Broken flask

Broken flask

Then you shall break the flask in the sight of the men who go with you, and say to them, “Thus says the LORD of hosts:”Even so I will break this people and this city, as one breaks a potter’s vessel, which cannot be made whole again; and they shall burry them in Tophet till there is no place to burry. (Jeremiah 19:10-11)

The righteousness of God points out our sins while the love of God leads us into repentance, but it doesn’t give us the excuse to sin more.

Many Christians (or so called Christians) are deceived by the schemes of the enemy at this last hour in agreeing with the choice of abortion. Over 60 millions of unborn babies were aborted in the past 47 years. In the Book of Jeremiah, God spoke specifically about He will vindicate for the innocent blood, such horrifying child sacrifice at the valley of Tophet where there was so much innocent blood shed; so literally it’s called the valley of hell. In the same way, God is sending out the same message to us as a nation. How much longer will we stay stiff-necked?

Forgive us, Lord for we have sinned against You as a nation that has put down millions of innocent unborn lives. Have mercy, son of David Yeshua!

Symbolically Jeremiah the prophet brought a clay flask to the valley of Tophet and broke the pottery in front of the people as a warning and a proclamation of judgement. We all one day will have to stand before the Great White Throne, before the Ultimate Judge, God Himself. When we are still quoting John 3:16, remember God is also the righteous King who will judge the nations. Don’t think that we are going to dodge His righteous judgement by waving the banner of His love. Love of God is the fuel for us to return to Him; it’s not an excuse for us to continue on our own wicked ways. I’ve heard so many Christians saying that Jesus’ love never judges, or Jesus will always love me for who I am, Jesus loves the sinners… etc. I cannot agree more that God’s eternal love and mercy will be available to all of us still. Though Jesus doesn’t “judge” your sins now, it doesn’t mean that He is not going to do it one day when you don’t repent. Although Jesus will always love you for who you are, it doesn’t mean that He won’t spit you out of His mouth because of who you are when you are lukewarm and tasteless. Who we are is not the center of the universe. Please get over it. You and I are not the center of His Kingdom. Repent from our evil ways and our wickedness. When the flask is thrown to the ground, which is now, the Work of God is at hand. He will strike the land with His rod soon…. And then we will know Yehovah is GOD.

Fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom.

15 - Reset & Rest

15 - Reset & Rest

